Friday, September 24, 2010

Stronger Than Ever

I love HomeBrew!!

can you tell i like games?
I have to admit that one reason more than any other drove my renewed urgency to buy a computer and that was to get my hands on webOS Quick Install so that I could then install PreWare on my phone. Even though I have plenty of access to computers, none let me install software. I probably could have come up with a cheaper solution. But this way I also get to play warcraft :)

It's been a week now, and I am only just beginning to get comfortable with my laptop. I am moving next week and I will likely get DSL wifi. At the moment I my net access is not quite where I want it to be. So I use my Pre as much as I can for online activities.

I really do not see my Pre's role in my life diminishing. I believe my laptop will be more of a supplement to my phone than vice versa. I just feel more creative when I am on the go. The main function of my laptop is editing. And entertainment, of course. It has so far been used mostly for games, music and movies.

It was also used for five minutes or so to install PreWare on my phone. I am so glad I finally did. I went totally nuts and downloaded every patch that even remotely interested me.
I love the new music player!!

I have finally overclocked the cpu using überkernal and Govnah. Everything runs much quicker and smoother - and no more TMC messages! Despite my fears to the contrary, my battey life has actually improved. I am extremely happy with Preware. It truly rocks! It will probably take me a few weeks at least to fully adjust to the new features and capabilities. And in the laptop, and who knows how I will be doing things in a couple months. By then webOS 2.0 should be arriving, just to keep things interesting.

It is going to be a fun and busy fall. My appreciation for my Pre and it's role in my life continues to grow. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

Ya Baby!!
it really is that simple

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