Monday, September 20, 2010

Palmed On

The new multi-billion-dollar Canada Line (built for the Olympics) was built with full 3G (or 4G) coverage, so you never lose  your signal in the tunnels, in fact it may be the best coverage in town.
\l It looks the close relationship I have with my Pre is safe and secure. I was a little concerned that it might be relagated to second fiddle, but I think at this point I can see how things are going to shape up.

I have grown too fond of mobile writing and blogging. It seems like I do some of my most productive writing while on Transit or just walking down the sidewalk, or standing in line somewhere. I can never predict when inspiration will strike. I have found it to be pointless to wait until later to write. I need to go with the flow when the going is good.

My laptop is not nearly as portable - or as immediately accessible - as my Pre. And the unlimited data plan on my Pre sure is nice. I have a 3G Rocket stick from Rogers on my laptop with tighly monitored (and billed) data usage so I need to do as much on my phone as I can.

What I think is going to happen is that my laptop is actually going to play second fiddle to my phone! I love the twenty-first century. This second decade is going to be amazing as humanity really becomes connected and the rest of the planet joins the Information Age. I plan to be there for all of it - don't miss a thing! - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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