It took me awhile to realize I could so much more than I had been on my pre. After using my email app and gmail to transfer docs to the cloud (Google Docs) and back for a few weeks I decided to look around a bit in the app cayalogue and see if there might be a better solution.
Until now I had been mostly snagging games and maybe a few other minor apps like flashlights chronometers. But I had started getting more interested in what I might stumble across in there.
My first real discovery was Evernote. It had an app on my phone, and a page on any browser I might access. It allowed me to work on the same document from a desktop or my phone. Which was a step in the right direction. It just really do what I needed the way I wanted. I didn't like writing within the app or on the desktop so really I just used it as a conduit between me and the cloud. But actually doing all the work in other apps. It looks like it was a good thing I moved on since Evernote's developer has decided to abandon webOS.
I tried out a few other apps, but none had decent syncing with google docs or had a decent editor. That finally changed when I purchased the Scratch Word Processor. It syncs with Google Docs better than anything else I've seen on webOS. You can actually import or export to any folder in gdocs. And the editor is decent, as good as anything else out there.
For some reason it hasn't quite grown on me the way I would have thought. If I had known from the start how well it integrates with gDocs I would have been more enthusiastic about it. I just can't seem to put my finger on what about this app turned me off. I was never fully satisfied so I kept looking and stumbled onto ClassicNotes which felt more comfortable for some unknown reason. It doesn't sync as well but it just seemed a more pleasant experience.
For the past week now I have been using Notes pretty much exlusively, and I am really liking it. These two buttons at the bottom are annoying but I still like it allot. I am thinking that next I will get poster and then I wll have my final blogging solution all figured out.
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