Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Drifting Along

I have still not really got my groove back yet. I should probably reinstall PreWare soon in order to more properly stabilize my phone. It is acting kinda strange. Lots of lag at random moments - and I am referring to local apps, not data transfers. Stuff freezes all the time. Really annoying. Add to that the micrphone problems I am having and I have lots of reasons to hate my phone (I dropped it while it was open a few too many times, and now I have to always find the right way to hold, and occasionally twist, the damn phone).

That being said, I have not at all been turned off on Palm, webOS or homebrewing. I will be more careful in the future and not install so many patches and beta apps at once. I have also managed to sell 5 pre's in the past couple weeks. I honestly do believe it is a great phone, and on Bell right now it is a great deal. $0 down for the phone and $45 a month (unlimited text & data, incoming and evening/weekends). For a stable phone that can do pretty much anything that any other phone can do. For the average person who is not a early adopter techno-geek I really believe it is a great phone.

I myself will be snagging the Pre2 the first chance I get. I can't wait. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

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