Sunday, October 24, 2010

Notes Review

This app has somehow managed to become my favourite app. In the beginning I wasn't sure if I liked it at all, and it wasn't even my favourite note-taking app. After steady use, and extremely frequent updates, it has fully won me over.

Now I use it to write almost everything. Text messaging, e-mails, long FaceBook posts, App Catalogue reviews (like this one). I have a couple of blogs (on blogger, not wordpress, unfortunately) which I also write on Notes. It has become my most important app, and I really love the pace of progress I have been seeing. 

One feature that allot of people should be really excited about is Undo/Redo. I still see complaints about webOS not having this feature. As of Notes 1.2.3 (two updates ago) this is no longer the case. As far as I can tell it works exactly the way it's supposed to. So yes indeed, webOS (1.4.5!) does now have undo/redo!

Inglorious Apps have proven to be a dedicated developer, and the work they have done is amazing, and they are not done! This app is easily worth the cost.

I am considering switching to wordpress for my blogging because of the built in support for posterous. It would be nice to be able edit my posts once they are up. The integration with the rest of webOS is one of my favourite features. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

Friday, October 22, 2010

I Want An Upgrade!!

The Pre 2 is out today in France. So is webOS 2.0. I can't wait until both make it to Canada. Apparently Bell will no be getting the Pre 2. But Rogers will. I will be getting one, but it would suck if I can't carry my Palm Profile over. Hopefully I can. My current Pre is dying. I've dropped it too many times. The Pre2 is apparently more solid. More power is the main reason I want one. I really want one.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Drifting Along

I have still not really got my groove back yet. I should probably reinstall PreWare soon in order to more properly stabilize my phone. It is acting kinda strange. Lots of lag at random moments - and I am referring to local apps, not data transfers. Stuff freezes all the time. Really annoying. Add to that the micrphone problems I am having and I have lots of reasons to hate my phone (I dropped it while it was open a few too many times, and now I have to always find the right way to hold, and occasionally twist, the damn phone).

That being said, I have not at all been turned off on Palm, webOS or homebrewing. I will be more careful in the future and not install so many patches and beta apps at once. I have also managed to sell 5 pre's in the past couple weeks. I honestly do believe it is a great phone, and on Bell right now it is a great deal. $0 down for the phone and $45 a month (unlimited text & data, incoming and evening/weekends). For a stable phone that can do pretty much anything that any other phone can do. For the average person who is not a early adopter techno-geek I really believe it is a great phone.

I myself will be snagging the Pre2 the first chance I get. I can't wait. - my personal blog - webOS & Palm - youtube mashups

-- Sent from my palm Pre

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Status Update

For some strange reason my phone decided to reset itself on Monday. I lost all data that wasn't in the cloud, which really sucked. Especially any appointments that I stored in outline tracker. A real drag all around. The phone did reload all my apps, and I didn't lose my contacts. I am now less in love with OT. I used to really love it, but the lack of decent cloud backup has really bitten me on the ass.

The phone had been acting little strange. I may have gone a little overboard on the homebrew. I loaded up pretty much everything that sounded interesting. What is weird is that none of my homebrew apps reloaded, but I still have some of the patches. I see battery as a %, and I have my apps in 4 columns, over 5 pages. Very strange overall.

I am still readjusting my lifestyle to my new home and my new tools. Hopefully I will only take me a month or two to straighten everything out. Until then I have no clue what my routine is going to look like. More will be revealed.